Greetings to all our Eagle Sisters,
WELCOME February! All I can say is, I surely hope we are past the winter snowstorms and frigid temperatures. Come on spring!
We had a great turnout at State Officers’ Night at Wapakoneta Eagles #691. I would like to thank Wapakoneta Aerie for hosting and all the volunteers who made the weekend a great success. We had a wonderful board meeting.
February is also the month of Zone Prep meetings. It would be nice if more Sisters and Brothers would attend these meetings ensuring your zone’s conference will be a successful, fun weekend. Come out and make some new friends and reconnect with old friends.
As we are a little more than halfway through Ohio’s Imagination Library’s journey, Madam First State Vice President Pat Kovalak has been putting the finishing touches on a new book. Get ready to see and wear lots of purple, silver and Kelly green come mid-June!
Preparations are underway for our State Convention at Cherry Valley Hotel · 2299 Cherry Valley Rd SE, Newark, OH 43055, June 9 - 13. Monday evening’s opening/closing, initiation, anniversary and Past State Presidents’ Memorial ceremonies start the week off with these very beautiful and moving rituals. If you’ve never attended, please consider adjusting your arrival date to do so. It’s well worth it!
My year has been going by so fast! I have truly enjoyed visiting some of our Aeries and Auxiliaries. You have always made me feel welcomed. It is a great honor to be your Ohio State Madam President. If you would like me to visit your Aerie home for an event or an Auxiliary meeting, please contact Madam State Secretary Stacey Mack and myself.
Wishing you all a very special Valentine’s Day
Until next month, stay safe, warm, and healthy.
Ohio State Auxiliary Madam President
Your Storyteller
Kathy Jennings
Kathy Jennings Kelly Beech Stacey Mack
State President Buckeye Breeze Editor State Secretary
426 McIntire Dr 10158 Cableline Rd 9788 N. Marks Rd
Fairborn, Oh 45324 Newton Falls, Oh 44444 Columbia Station, Oh 44028
937 623 9065 440 413 7843 330-636-0294
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected]
WELCOME February! All I can say is, I surely hope we are past the winter snowstorms and frigid temperatures. Come on spring!
We had a great turnout at State Officers’ Night at Wapakoneta Eagles #691. I would like to thank Wapakoneta Aerie for hosting and all the volunteers who made the weekend a great success. We had a wonderful board meeting.
February is also the month of Zone Prep meetings. It would be nice if more Sisters and Brothers would attend these meetings ensuring your zone’s conference will be a successful, fun weekend. Come out and make some new friends and reconnect with old friends.
As we are a little more than halfway through Ohio’s Imagination Library’s journey, Madam First State Vice President Pat Kovalak has been putting the finishing touches on a new book. Get ready to see and wear lots of purple, silver and Kelly green come mid-June!
Preparations are underway for our State Convention at Cherry Valley Hotel · 2299 Cherry Valley Rd SE, Newark, OH 43055, June 9 - 13. Monday evening’s opening/closing, initiation, anniversary and Past State Presidents’ Memorial ceremonies start the week off with these very beautiful and moving rituals. If you’ve never attended, please consider adjusting your arrival date to do so. It’s well worth it!
My year has been going by so fast! I have truly enjoyed visiting some of our Aeries and Auxiliaries. You have always made me feel welcomed. It is a great honor to be your Ohio State Madam President. If you would like me to visit your Aerie home for an event or an Auxiliary meeting, please contact Madam State Secretary Stacey Mack and myself.
Wishing you all a very special Valentine’s Day
Until next month, stay safe, warm, and healthy.
Ohio State Auxiliary Madam President
Your Storyteller
Kathy Jennings
Kathy Jennings Kelly Beech Stacey Mack
State President Buckeye Breeze Editor State Secretary
426 McIntire Dr 10158 Cableline Rd 9788 N. Marks Rd
Fairborn, Oh 45324 Newton Falls, Oh 44444 Columbia Station, Oh 44028
937 623 9065 440 413 7843 330-636-0294
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected]
Journey Thru Ohio’s Imagination Library for the FOE
State Auxiliary Imagination Library Flower: Daisy
State President Storyteller Quota: Net Gain +1
State Officers Librarians Colors: Aqua, Silver, White, Spring Green
Past State Presidents Wise Owls Motto: Let’s keep filling our FOE Library with
Membership Chairman Bookworm Children’s Books.
Current Auxiliary Book Stacks Theme: Journey Thru Ohio’s Imagination Library for the F.O.E.
Current Members Books Charity: Ohio’s Imagination Library
New Auxiliary New Pages
New Members Children’s Books
Delinquent Members Ravens
Re-Enrollees Novels CAMPAIGNS:
Districts Book Stores June, July, Aug Are we all on the same page?
District Leaders Characters Sept., Oct., Nov. Let your imagination soar
Charity Chairman Editors Dec., Jan., Feb. Turning the page, what’s next for the FOE?
Zone Coordinators Bookmarks Mar., Apr., May Great expectations!!
Spec. Activities Chm. File Keeper
Historian Illustrator
Buckeye Breeze Editor Ghost Rider
Bowling Chairman Mailman
Ritual Chairman Writer
Re-Enrollment Chairman Chapters State Mother & Father Zora and Paul Griffith
Web Master Bookmobile State Grandma Mary Miller
State Mother and Father Hansel & Gretel State Grandpa TBA at Leadership
State Grandma & Grandpa Historians of the Library
State brother & sister Jennifer and Hal Campbell
State Brother & Sister Jack & Jill
State Auxiliary Imagination Library Flower: Daisy
State President Storyteller Quota: Net Gain +1
State Officers Librarians Colors: Aqua, Silver, White, Spring Green
Past State Presidents Wise Owls Motto: Let’s keep filling our FOE Library with
Membership Chairman Bookworm Children’s Books.
Current Auxiliary Book Stacks Theme: Journey Thru Ohio’s Imagination Library for the F.O.E.
Current Members Books Charity: Ohio’s Imagination Library
New Auxiliary New Pages
New Members Children’s Books
Delinquent Members Ravens
Re-Enrollees Novels CAMPAIGNS:
Districts Book Stores June, July, Aug Are we all on the same page?
District Leaders Characters Sept., Oct., Nov. Let your imagination soar
Charity Chairman Editors Dec., Jan., Feb. Turning the page, what’s next for the FOE?
Zone Coordinators Bookmarks Mar., Apr., May Great expectations!!
Spec. Activities Chm. File Keeper
Historian Illustrator
Buckeye Breeze Editor Ghost Rider
Bowling Chairman Mailman
Ritual Chairman Writer
Re-Enrollment Chairman Chapters State Mother & Father Zora and Paul Griffith
Web Master Bookmobile State Grandma Mary Miller
State Mother and Father Hansel & Gretel State Grandpa TBA at Leadership
State Grandma & Grandpa Historians of the Library
State brother & sister Jennifer and Hal Campbell
State Brother & Sister Jack & Jill